Welcome to Country Acres' Annual Antique Vintage Country Market where you will find EVERYTHING country!
We hope you and your family can join us! Our hand-picked Vendors bring you antique and vintage furniture, tools, petroleana, toys, glassware, jewelry, art, farm primitives, linens, local honey . . . and so much more . . . for your home, garden, man-cave, she-shed or pieces for your favourite collections.
All of our Vendors are Saskatchewan's own, showcasing talented artisians from our dear Province.
DATES: May 30 & 31 (Friday & Saturday) 2025
LOCATION: Country Acres, 1 km south of McLean SK (20 minutes east of Regina)
Age 12 & Under FREE
NO PETS ALLOWED. Leaving pets in vehicles is NOT an option.
BRING CASH: Required for Gate Admission and some Vendors. No ATM on site.
FRIDAY, MAY 30: A Treasure Hunter's Delight
Be the first to enjoy some fine pickin's on Day 1. Admission on Friday includes live music, FREE coffee or tea, and Door Prize draws every hour for $20 Gift Cards that can be used at any of the Vendor Booths. Food & Dessert services available. Get your hand stamped and join us again on Saturday with FREE admission.
SATURDAY, MAY 31: Fantastic Finds & Family Fun Day on the Farm
Bring the entire family! From Tiny Tots to Grandparents enjoy their time at Country Acres each year. With Admission enjoy live music, rides in Betsy our 1928 Model A Ford, Antique/Collectible Car Show, and for the children . . . bouncy house, old-time children's games & prizes, face painting, and more! Food & Dessert services available.
*Bring a friend, bring a truck, bring cash, please don't bring your dog!
NOTE: Service Animals Welcome! They must be on leash at all times, be wearing an Identification Vest, and Registration Wallet-Card/Documentation is required.
EMAIL: countryacres@sasktel.net