1. The organizers of the market reserve the right to accept Vendor Applications at their sole discretion. Successful Vendor Applicants will receive an Invitation to Participate and Invoice, including tax. Payment must be submitted upon receipt of your invoice, via eTransfer ONLY to countryacres@sasktel.net
Your booth space is not held until payment is received. You will then receive a Receipt, Confirmation Email & Map to Country Acres.
NOTE: Each Vendor Booth will be provided 2 (TWO) FREE Admission Tags to be worn at the Market. Any additional assistants you bring with you must pay the $6 Gate Admission.
2. The Market proceeds rain or shine. Hours for the public are Friday 12:00 Noon to 8:00 PM and Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. No sales shall take place to either the public nor between Vendors until 12:00 Noon sharp on Friday when the Cow Bells ring.
3. Vendors are welcome to begin setting up by appointment only on Thursday, May 29 from 9 AM to 9 PM and at 7:00 AM on Saturday morning, May 30 prior to 10:00 AM. All vendors must be set up and prepared to begin selling by 11:45 AM on Friday and by 9:45 on Saturday and are to remain set up until closing at 4:00 PM on Saturday (unless sold out of product).
4. In the event a Vendor cancels more than 30 days prior to the event, 50% of payment will be reimbursed. There will be no refund for Vendor cancellation less than 30 days prior to the event.
5. Any vendors selling food items MUST comply with Public Health regulations. If not in compliance, the vendor is solely responsible.
6. Vendors participating in the Country Acres Antique, Vintage, Country Market do so at their own risk. Country Acres Weddings & Events, its organizers, associates, and employees shall not be held responsible for any personal damage or injury that may occur, nor are they responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Vendors accept responsibility for their booth, and all items related to its use.
7. Vendors must assist with the promotion of this event via social media (Facebook and/or Instagram, Twitter, etc.) weekly or as often as possible from the time they receive Vendor participation approval from Country Acres.
8. Vendors are encouraged to print and post Market Posters wherever possible. PDF copies will be emailed to all Vendors.
9. Any damage to property at Country Acres caused by a Vendor or its affiliates will be reimbursed and paid by the Vendor to Country Acres Weddings & Events.
10. Each vendor is responsible to clean their booth area, either indoors or outdoors, following the close of the market at 4:00 PM on Saturday and vacate the property by 6:00 PM.
All product, debris, packing materials, etc. must be removed. Any clean up required to your booth area after your departure will be completed by Country Acres Weddings & Events’ staff and the vendor will be charged $50 per 10’ x 10’ booth area for this service.
I have read the above terms and agree to them in full.
Acknowledgment of the above terms as signed below (please list vendor name and representative).